A Spacious Day Retreats

Typical Retreat Schedule*

  8:30-9:00        Arrival/Hot drinks 

  9:15         Welcome and Introduction to Day

  9:30                Session 1 

 10:15             Break

 11:00              Session 2

 12:00              Lunch provided

 1-4:00             Personal Silent Space

  4:00            Session 3

  5:00            Departure

*The schedule is adaptable to fit with the theme and the group's needs/desires. Sessions include scripture, art, prayer, and space for personal and group reflection.

One day set apart to connect with your friends and Jesus!

Do you have a small group of friends who would enjoy

a spacious day in the middle of the week* to connect with Jesus?

You gather the friends…A Spacious Place takes care of everything else

for a one-day retreat in the Ephrata, PA area!**


Ideal group size is 6-12 people.

Groups of 5 or more, the cost is $70 pp.  If less than 5 people, total cost for the retreat day is $350.

The group organizer is half-price with a group of 6 or more.

Retreat Themes to choose from include:

You Make Me Brave, With Lifted Hands, Selah Sweet, Hover Over Me,

Pressing Pause, Inconsumable Provision, Walking with God, and Abounding with Thanks, Poetry on Fire, and Advent.


For more info or interest in booking a retreat—send your inquiry to  info@aspaciousplace.org

 or call 717-327-4323

*Interested but not in the middle of the week? Just want an evening together? Let’s talk!

**other locations may be possible!  Let's connect!

A Spacious Place Day Retreat Themes

These retreats are uniquely designed and facilitated by Spiritual Director, Kristina Denlinger. Each 9-5 day is created with moments to walk, sit, reflect, relax and be refreshed in the presence of Jesus. Typically, the morning consists of 2-3 group sessions with 3 hours of silence in the afternoon for personal reflection.  A closing reflection session wraps up the day.  Group Sessions are focused on scripture, art, prayer and reflection.  The retreats may be personalized to fit your group or to reflect the specific leading of the Holy Spirit.

Walking with God-3 miles an hour

The average walking pace of women is 3 miles an hour. What would happen if we lived most of our lives at 3 miles an hour instead of the frenzied fast pace most of us keep? What if just for a day you tried slowing your pace—spending quiet time soaking in scripture, talking and listening to God, walking slowly in the woods or sitting prayerfully on the porch or by the fireplace? The core scripture for this retreat is The Road to Emmaus Story and the day includes a prayer activity where you create a deck of mini-retreat in daily life cards.

Selah Sweet

This Retreat is designed around the idea of taking prayerful pauses or Selah moments. It explores the themes of The God who Speaks (Samuel) and The God who Sees (Hagar).  There are hints of Taste and See that the Lord is good so indulging in chocolate throughout the day makes this retreat sweet. Personal Reflection sheets for each session are included for further reflection during silence or after the retreat.

You Make Me Brave

Ponder the story of Jesus calling Peter to walk on the water and consider how God may be inviting you to be brave and courageous in the midst of fear.  Includes praying with a visual and personal reflection session with a prayer coloring worksheet.

She Said Yes

This retreat was originally designed for women in ministry/leadership but is applicable to everyone. Ponders the story of The Annunciation using scripture and poetry and uses a prayer coloring worksheet to do personal reflection regarding the tangles/struggles of ministry or life.

With Lifted Hands

Core scripture focus is the story of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and healing of Jairus’ daughter. The retreat includes a paraffin hand blessing and a “paper patchwork quilt” reflection session.

Abounding with Thanks

Lectio Divina and praying with imagination with the story of Jesus healing the 10 with leprosy. A prayerful session of Creative Gratitude List-making is included.

Inconsumable Provision

Core scriptures are Elijah and the woman at Zarephath and Lamentations 3:19-26.  A prayer art activity session is part of this retreat.

Pressing Pause

Pause for the day with the story of the woman with the alabaster jar and an art journaling activity

Hover Over Me-Not available at this time. 

Poetry on Fire: Pondering and Praying with the Psalms-

Music, art and creative expression are used to engage with themes like the God Who Listens, Jesus as Shepherd, and Psalms of lament and joy.  Includes prayer stations based on different Psalms.

Advent Retreat

Using lines from Christmas carols, this retreat explores the waiting, watching and hope of the Advent Season. Sessions are followed by reflection times with suggestions for personal pondering and prayer.

Contact Kristina Denlinger, A Spacious Place     717-327-4323               info@aspaciousplace.org