Sacred Space Silent Retreats


Sacred Space Silent Retreats

Mid week  Feb 6-8, 2024


Weekend Oct 4-6, 2024

 Whispering Springs

 Stevens, PA

Sacred Space Silent Retreats hosted by A Spacious Place are designed to give you a chance to take a step away from life as you know it.  Walk the short trail, hike to Middle Creek Park, sit on the porch or by the small waterway. It is an opportunity to rest, read, write, pray, walk, create art or just be in the presence of God.

The retreats facilitated by spiritual director, Kristina Denlinger consist of two group sessions, optional prayer times and 36 hours of silence.  Prayer stations will be available.

Spiritual Direction is available for additional cost.

The disciplines of silence and solitude will open the door for deeper intimacy with God. So, I invite you to spend some unhurried, uncluttered, spacious time with Him. Leave be­hind any agenda or hopes of discovering some marvelous strategy for fixing your life. Simply, sit quietly and alone with the Holy One. Listen carefully for His tender, loving voice. Embrace fully all that God desires to do in you as you sit quietly and patiently before Him.   

-Matt Scott


    Tues or Fri evening

   6:30              Arrival and settling in 

   7:00              Opening Session

   8:30              Snack and Fellowship

   9:15              Night Prayers

  9:30               Silence begins 

  Weds or Sat  Prayer stations available all day

  7:00-7:30      Early Risers breakfast

  9:15               Morning Prayers

  10:00-10:30  Brunch

  5:00               Evening Prayers

  5:15-5:45      Supper

  8:00               Night Prayers

  8:30-9:30     Snack

  Thursday or Sunday  

  8:00               Morning Prayers

  8:30-9:00     Breakfast

  9:30               Closing Session-Meet in silence

  11:00              Departure   


 The cost of $230 includes 3 meals, 1 early riser breakfast, 2 snacks, a private room with shared bath and all retreat materials.

  For more info or to register: 

Send email to  

or contact Kristina Denlinger  717-327-4323 (call/text) 

Space is limited. Register early!